Atari ATW-800 resurrection

desktop [Photo taken from]

The first time I saw the ATW800 in action was during the HCC computer fair. Attached was a giant glass CRT, that was so heavy it was literally crushing the table.

Atari Transputer Workstation

This project is dedicated to resurrecting the Atari Transputer Workstation (ATW-800) to demonstrate how advanced this computer system was for 1989. For transparency and education, also restoring the sources of all the binaries, and if possible creating a demo to give it tribute well deserved.

The Transputer stole my heart

The Inmos T800 was designed with the philosophy: “If a CPU invented today with the knowledge we already have, how would it look like?”

code mnemonic name description
0x0x j jump jump to address x
0x1x ldlp load local pointer push address of ((word*)wptr)[x] on operand stack
0x2x pfix prefix extend prefix with x
0x3x ldnl load non local pop TOS and push ((word*)wptr)[pop+x] on operand stack
0x4x ldc load constant push constant x on operand stack
0x5x lnlp load non-local pointer pop TOS and push address of ((word*)mem)[pop] on operand stack
0x6x npfix negative prefix extend prefix with x creating negative numbers
0x7x ldl load local push word ((word*)wptr)[x] on operand stack
0x8x adc add constant add constant x to TOS
0x9x call call call subroutine located at x
0xAx cj conditional jump pop TOS and jump to x if zero
0xBx ajw adjust workspace add constant x to WPTR
0xCx eqc equals constant compare TOS with x and change TOS to 1 if equal and 0 otherwise
0xDx stl store local pop TOS and store at word ((word*)wptr)[x]
0xEx stnl store non local pop TOS for address of ((word*)mem)[pop], pop TOS again to store value there
0xFx opr operate perform one of the other 153 instructions

Instruction example

The C expression A = B + 0x123 would translate to:

    0x1x   ldl B    load B from memory and push on operand stack
    0x21   pfix 1   load 4 bits constant as prefix for next instruction (prefix = 0x1)  
    0x22   pfix 2   extend the prefix (prefix = prefix<<4 | 0x2)  
    0x43   ldc 3    Load 0x3 with prefix and push on operand stack (value = prefix<<4 | 0x3)
    0xf5   add      pop 2 operands, add and push result
    0xdx   stl A    pop result and store in memory
    6 bytes

For the 68000 this would be:

    30 2e ff fc     move  -4(fp),d0
    d0 7c 01 23     add   #$123,d0
    3d 40 ff fe     move  d0,-2(fp)
    12 bytes

Multi-board design

The ATW-800 is a dual computer system consisting of a custom version of the Atari Mega-ST and an Inmos T800 Transputer based motherboard and a dedicated Blossom based video board. There are also 4 expansion slots to hold farmcards fitted with 4 T800 each, and an external connector to attach 4 other ATW800 systems.


The main-board has a single T800 and 4M memory. It is connected via a local bus and dual-ported memory to the Blossom based daughter-board. The highest resolution supported is 1280960, which is more than modern HD with 1280720. The difference being in colour depth, Blossom supports 4 bits whereas HD supports 24 bits.

The power of the main-board can be extended with farmcards which are connected through high-speed serial links.
The topography of the nodes are determined by physically wiring the link cables and their connectors.

The T800 runs the Helios distributed operating system from Perihelion. Helios is available for the T880, Motorola 680x0 and the Texas Instruments TMS320C40 DSP. The graphical library is X11R4 with a custom backend for the Blossom. As expected, it is possible to redirect the X11 network traffic using DISPLAY= for even more parallelism.


The Meta-ST with the TOS operating system is used as front-end console to handle keyboard, mouse, storage and secondary display (640*400 monochrome).

The mega-board is a custom design fitted with the B016 link controller. The component layout of the board is significantly different hinting that there may be Easter eggs.

The Mega-ST runs standard TOS with additional runtime loaded drivers to access the SCSI controller and extend the filesystem cache. The main program server.prg accesses the link controller and is responsible for booting the T800 cluster and handling I/O requests.

